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Jan 06, 2019
Building My Life On God’s Word
Sermons in this Series
Recording incomplete
What are the different reasons people read the Bible?
Why are people not reading the Bible?
Read James 1:19-25
Is being angry wrong? Explain.
What are the dangers of being angry?
James calls his readers into action (v.21). What exactly does he want his readers to do, or to stop doing? Explain or give examples.
When does going to church regularly, and listening to a sermon, become a danger to Christ-followers?
Give examples of how to be a doer of God’s Word.
How do you put God’s Word into practice in your life?
Living Out God’s Word
How to Get the Most from God’s Word
How to Study God’s Word
How God’s Word Comes Alive
Power to Change
Why I Can Trust God’s Word
Building My Life On God’s Word