It can feel a little uneasy visiting a church for the first time, so we want to help you feel more comfortable by giving you a window into what happens in our church on Sunday mornings.
All are welcome! Whatever you believe, however you look, we invite you to come check us out.
What to wear? With an ethnically and socially diverse group, people dress very differently ranging from shorts and t-shirts to business attire. Wear what you are comfortable wearing.
Can't make it in person? Feel free to join us Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM via the livestream link on the homepage or view the service anytime during the week.
In this video, Pastor Syd shares a little bit of what it would be like to experience a Sunday morning gathering with us.
As you walk through our front doors, you will be welcomed by a member of our Welcome Team.
Feel free to ask these individuals any questions you may have or visit our Welcome Centre located towards the middle of our foyer.
As you make your way to our auditorium, a member of our Welcome Team will be there to greet you and if needed, give you assistance finding a seat. Subscribe to our weekly emails so that you can receive up-to-date information for the areas that interest you.
What is our Worship Service about? As followers of Jesus Christ, we believe in celebrating our journeys, encouraging one another and worshipping God together. In a worship service we sing songs, pray and hear a message. We generally have a full band (acoustic and electric guitars, piano, drums, bass) that play a mix of contemporary songs as well as modernized hymns.
When the service starts, one of our lead singers will invite you to stand and join with us in singing a few songs. We welcome you to do whatever is most comfortable for you. We will never single you out or make you feel uncomfortable. Don’t know the songs? No problem, house lights are low…no one will even notice! We also have the words up on the screen.
Why do we sing? Worship songs are written to allow people to share their thoughts through song. Often we can resonate with the words of the songs and they help us to focus on God. Singing songs is a way that we display our love to God, share our sorrows and declare our commitment to God. It is a way to put to words how we might be feeling.
Throughout your time at Grace Point on a Sunday morning, you may notice various groups and individuals praying, on and off the auditorium stage.
Why do we pray? We believe that God hears us when we speak and that He wants to speak to us. We dedicate time to this practice to speak to God and to hear His voice.
Towards the middle of the Worship Service, a speaker (usually one of our pastors) gives a talk, or a sermon.
What’s a sermon? The Bible is a compilation of books and letters that were written at a certain time, in a certain culture, to a certain audience, but we also believe the Bible is relevant to us today. A sermon is simply our pastors talking about the Bible and its relevance to us today. Right here. Right now.
During the Worship Service, we are invited to give back to God through monetary gifts (also called tithes or offering). Feel free to give online or drop off a donation in a box in the foyer next to the Welcome Center.
Why do we give? We have opportunity to be generous to God in graciously and freely giving of our resources to support His work in this world. As a guest, please know that there is no obligation to give.
Following the Sunday worship service, our Grace Café is open for you to enjoy a cup of coffee while connecting with others in the foyer. Our Welcome Centre host is available to answer any questions that you may have about Grace Point.
Our teams strive to lead authentic times of worship using a contemporary approach. We affirm that each person (team, leader and congregation member) has something important to share and that God is the audience. We are here not to perform, but rather, to set the stage for participation. Our technical teams (audio, visual and lighting) also work diligently with the goal of enhancing the worship service for God’s glory.
One of the blessings of gathering together each week is the gift of lifting our voices up together in song to glorify our great God! An obstacle to this can be the feeling of not being able to participate because a song is unfamiliar. It is our goal for everyone to feel like they can engage during our "worship through song" time in our worship gatherings, so we have created a YouTube playlist (button below) that is updated each week with a link to the songs that will be sung on the upcoming Sunday. Feel free to listen, sing along and we look forward to praising God together this Sunday!
Below is a link to a playlist of all the Worship Songs that we regularly sing during our Sunday morning worship services (by song title in alphabetical order).