Read John 5:1-16
1. There are three “players” in this story. As you read through the passage, write down all you can about each player. Specifically look for the “feeling” in this story.
a) Jesus
b) The lame man
c) The Jews
2. As you dig through this story, how much faith did the lame man have?
3. What does this tell us about the compassion of God?
4. What was the issue the Jews were so worked up about?
5. From what you have gathered, what is the reason John has included this story in his Gospel?
6. Read verses 17 and 18. This was a turning point in the life and ministry of Jesus!
7. Is there anyone God has placed in your path who needs the compassion of Jesus in their life this week (regardless of what their response may be)? Picture the person God may have brought to your mind and come up with a plan for action! Then go and love people as Jesus loves you!