- When you think of a gentle person who comes to your mind? Why?
- How would you define gentleness? Is a gentle person a weak person?
- Jesus speaks of himself as a gentle person and invites us to learn from Him (Matthew 11:28-29). Where do you see Jesus being gentle?
- Read Proverbs 15:1; 25:15; 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8. What effect does gentleness have on people?
- Read Ephesians 4:2; Colossians 3:12; 1 Peter 3:15. In what situations and circumstances are Christ followers called to practice gentleness? Why is it important?
- Gentleness is the fruit of God’s Spirit working in us (Galatians 3:22-23). Give an example of how gentleness is growing in you. Or are there situations where gentleness needs to grow in you? Explain.
- What do you sense Jesus is telling you?
- What are you going to do about it?