Sarah Adebola



I have the pleasure of teaching children about Jesus! I lead an amazing team of volunteers and together we encourage children to know and grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus. I get to teach Bible stories, create crafts, and plan weekly activities for children to dive deeper in their faith. I love seeing a child pray aloud for the first time or share in their excitement when they know an answer or can’t wait to share a story- or the ever impressive opening their Bible to the correct book! My hope is for Gracekidz to be a safe and fun environment for children to experience a caring community and find a sense of belonging. I enjoy travelling with my husband, Alex and seeing new places. I also enjoy cooking, stand-up comedy, puzzling, reading and I can be found watching any crime series or show.

Gaylene Beach



One of my favourite sounds is hearing our church family worship together through song each week! It’s truly a blessing to be in a role where I can help facilitate our weekly worship gatherings and explore other avenues for our congregation to express their love for God. I'm honoured to serve alongside an incredible worship team of both music and tech members, and my hope is that the Worship Ministry at GPC continues to help nurture lives of worship dedicated to Jesus. I've been married to my wonderful husband, Derrick, for over 20 years, and we’re proud parents of four awesome boys! In my free time, I enjoy cooking and baking, watching historical period shows, playing board and video games with my family, and enjoying a good cup of coffee!

LuAnne Birkholz



One of my greatest joys is 'watching the church BE the church.’  I’ve been on staff at Grace Point since 2009 in various roles and, in each season of ministry, I have been inspired by the way in which God loves us and invites us to be part of what He is doing in the world.  My role encompasses oversight of a variety of aspects of church life – from our group and prayer ministries to our care ministries, as well as our Sunday morning connecting teams. I love the outdoors and enjoy going for walks with my husband, David, and spending time with our two young adult daughters, Julianna and Ellianna.

Matt Bitzer



I’ve been a part of Grace Point Youth for over a decade, not counting the six years I spent there as a youth! In that time, I’ve seen God do so many amazing things in the lives of young people in our church, and I’m always excited to see what God is going to do next! I love food from all over the world, with the exception of things that contain peanuts, as I’m allergic. Some of my favorite cuisines are Korean, Mexican, and Indian. I have tons of "coffee" meetings with people, but I actually can’t stand the stuff, so you never need to worry about grabbing me one. In my spare time, I love watching movies, playing video and tabletop games, but above all I love a good conversation! Track me down on a Sunday and we can have one!

Brianne Schultz



I’m the Office Administrator and am in the office three days a week. I enjoy helping the staff with their admin needs, and I really like being a part of a staff team that so genuinely enjoys working together. I am married to Randy, and we have two young kids. I love food and trying out new restaurants or revisiting old favourites. I love hanging out with friends, beating Randy at board games, baking, coffee, reading and pottery.

Dave Van Roon



I moved to Edmonton in 1992 where I met Kim. While we spent some years in Camrose, Edmonton has always been home base for our family and we were glad to settle here permanently in 2011 with our daughters. We love the river valley, markets, unique restaurants, festivals, coffee shops and I enjoy the motorcycle community. While I don’t always like the weather, I love the people of our busy city. Edmonton is home to a lot of diverse backgrounds that presents a unique opportunity to share Jesus and be a church that loves the community. I love encouraging others who enter into renewal and experience transformation as they seek Jesus in their lives.